Following Jesus includes serving our neighbors and caring for those in need. There are numerous ways you can get involved in our church outreach efforts, from helping with local food drives and clothing giveaways to volunteering at community events.

Whether you can volunteer for a few hours or can commit regularly, we invite you to join one of our ministry teams!   If you're interested in volunteering or learning more about upcoming outreach opportunities, please contact the church office. Together, we can show God's love and make a difference in our community.


We’ve teamed up with Bessie Weller Elementary School to provide weekend food for 100 children in need throughout the school year. Led by Fred and Betty Hale, this ministry involves shopping for food, packing it every other week with the help of dedicated volunteers, and delivering it to the school for distribution. Through this partnership, we aim to ensure that these children have the nourishment they need to thrive, both academically and physically.

Volunteers can help in the following way:

  • Pack sacks 1-2 times a month
  • Deliver sacks to the school 1-2 times a month


Once a year, we host a free clothing giveaway for the community, offering gently-used clothing to those in need. The event is open to everyone, and we invite you to come and take what you need. Typically held on the second Saturday in September, this ministry is a way for us to share resources and bless others in our community. We welcome volunteers to help organize, sort, and distribute clothing—your involvement makes this event a success!


At FBC, we support Operation Christmas Child year-round, packing shoeboxes both individually and as a church, including with the residents of The Legacy. A dedicated team of volunteers also travels to a processing center in North Carolina to inspect and prepare the boxes for shipment. Through this ministry, we aim to share the love of Jesus with children around the world, bringing hope and joy to those in need.

Learn More


We house the Ben Wilkerson Food Pantry on our church campus, which provides food assistance to Staunton residents in need. Tammy and Irvin Hoyt oversee the pantry which is open on the third and fourth Thursdays of each month, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM. 

This ministry helps alleviate hunger, supports families facing financial hardship, and ensures that local residents have access to nutritious food to meet their basic needs. Through the pantry, we aim to make a positive impact on the community by providing a steady source of relief and encouragement.

Volunteers can help in the following way:

  • Donate food items
  • Welcome neighbors and help pack groceries on Thursday mornings 


Salvation Army Bell Ringing Volunteers
Each holiday season, we partner with the Salvation Army to support their mission of helping those in need by volunteering for bell ringing. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our community while spreading Christmas cheer. Volunteers sign up for shifts at Food Lion on North Coalter to collect donations for the Salvation Army’s programs. If you’d like to volunteer and make a difference during th season, we welcome you to join us in this meaningful outreach!

Our Food Pantry Volunteers

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

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